Ciclo: Elemental Fertility Awareness & Menstrual Mapping 

Ciclo is a four-part immersion into our womb-matrix that provides 

  • A comprehensive orientation to our anatomy and physiology
  • It equips you with tools to track and map your cycle using symptom-thermal methods for pregnancy prevention or conception invitation.
  • Supports you in connecting to elemental wisdom to prevent and address imbalances
  • Orients you to the communications of your blood through blood self-analysis
  • Explores the moon and archetypes in relation to our phases,
  • Supports you in activating your coherent and empowered sexuality
  • Provides traditional-ancestral methods of womb care
  • Orients you to creative, devotional observation practices with the intention of deepening cyclical consciousness and

Returning you to your seat of power as the ultimate authority over your sexual and reproductive health.



Oct 04, 11,18, & 25 2024

We meet at 4pm EST (NYC TIME) LIVE

All classes are approx. 2-3hrs



How did we get to a place of so much imbalance, confusion & chronic disease?

Why do we experience irregular, painful menstrual cycles? Why is infertility, PCOS & endometriosis rampant? Why is there so much confusion and disconnection? Why are so many suffering through psycho-emotional turbulence, chronically? And how do we resolve it?

There are many compounding factors creating these realities. Some, we may not have direct control over, such as, cultural programming, environmental pollution, nutrient & mineral deficient industrial food systems, systemic sexism, classism & racism, and a broken for profit medical complex…

But some things, we do have control over.

Through devotional observation, elemental connection and intuitive menstrual mapping, we can identify the root cause of our imbalance & make corresponding shifts for our wellbeing.

These subtle, often intimate shifts, lead us to our cyclical authenticity. They empower us to heal and thrive, even through challenges. From this place of clarity and confidence we are better positioned to affect change in the collective.

Let me know when CICLO Fall 2024 Enrollment Opens!

What to expect:

  • (4) Four two-hour long classes.
  • A Guided Manual Arts arte-sana {art heals} initiative.
  • (2) Two Ritual Initiatives : Womb Clearing & Fluid Seeding
  • Traditional Andean & Amazonian Medicine (TAAM) perspectives on menstruation

    • TAAM Modalities for cyclical self-care such as: 
    • Herbal Baths & Steaming
    • Emplastos and self abdominal and womb massage.





We will meet LIVE on ZOOM on

Oct 04, 11, 18, & 25 2024

All sessions will be available for replay for 30 days.

Each session will open up with an exercise (sound, breath & or movement) for synchronizing our energies & presence through the internet.